TeX4ht: Configuration Files

Eitan M. Gurari

July 14, 2014

[index] [the 4ht files]

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[auto-script] [bibtex2] [cond4ht] [cpright] [c] [dir] [docbook] [docbook-xtpipes] [env] [fonts-cjk] [fonts-cjk-utf8] [fonts-modern] [fonts-noncjk] [fonts-4hf] [htcmd] [html-speech] [html-speech-xtpipes] [html0] [html32] [html4] [info-html4] [info-javahelp] [info-mml] [info-ooffice] [info-svg] [info] [javahelp] [javahelp-xtpipes] [jsmath] [jsml] [jsml-xtpipes] [mathltx] [mathml] [mathplayer] [misc] [mkht] [moz] [ooffice] [ooimpress] [oo-xtpipes] [options] [sty] [svg] [tei] [t4ht] [unicode] [word] [xhtml-xtpipes] [xhtmml-xtpipes] [4ht]

1 The Calling Tree for 4ht Files
2 Front part
 2.1 HTML
 2.2 XML Version
 2.4 BODY
 2.5 Meta
 2.6 Frames
 2.7 Object Tocs
3 Structures
 3.1 Sectioning
 3.2 Sectioning Pagination
 3.3 Tables of Contents: Choice of Entries
 3.4 Tables of Contents: Configurations
 3.5 Tables and Arrays
 3.6 Bibliography
 3.7 Lists
 3.8 Index
 3.9 Glossary
 3.10 Captions
 3.11 Footnotes
 3.12 Floats
 3.13 Make Title
 3.14 Abstracts
 3.15 Math
 3.16 Cross References
 3.17 Theorems
4 Features
 4.1 Javascript: Pop-ups On Mouse Over
5 Formats
 5.1 latex.ltx
 5.2 Plain
 5.3 Latex Math
 5.4 Shared plain latex Math
6 Classes
 6.1 article
 6.2 report
 6.3 book
 6.4 letter
 6.5 AMS Art, Proc, Book
 6.6 amsppt.sty
 6.7 amstex.tex
 6.8 amsthm.sty
 6.9 amsmath
 6.10 amstex.sty (amstex1)
 6.11 amscd
 6.12 Memoir
 6.13 Elsvier Articles (elsart)
 6.14 American Psychological Association (APA)
 6.15 JHEP
 6.16 acm-proc-article-sp
 6.17 scrbook
 6.18 scrreprt
 6.19 Europe CV
 6.20 Res
 6.21 aa
 6.22 Polish: mwart.cls, mwrep.cls, mwbk.cls
 6.23 texinfo
7 Accents, encodings, and Languages
 7.1 Outline
 7.2 Group Configurations
 7.3 8859-1
 7.4 T1 8859-1
 7.5 T1 on Empty Base
 7.6 OT1 8859-1
 7.7 8859-2
 7.8 T1 8859-2
 7.9 T1, OT1 8859-7
 7.10 LaTeX Encodings
 7.11 AMS Encodings
 7.12 ot4enc
 7.13 pd1enc
 7.14 Languages
 7.15 Assents Style
8 Features
 8.1 Margin Comments
 8.2 Pictures in Margins
9 Style Files
 9.1 Drawing Utilitis
 9.2 Slides
 9.3 epigraph.sty
 9.4 Lit Prog and Verbatim
 9.5 Boxes and Multiple columns
 9.6 gmatrix.sty
 9.7 array.sty
 9.8 algorithmic
 9.9 algorithmicx
 9.10 algorithm
 9.11 Bibliography
 9.12 Text Decoration
 9.13 verse
 9.14 OpenOffice writer
 9.15 manmac
 9.16 Small Packages
 9.17 Resume
 9.18 Curve
 9.19 CSS
 9.20 ?????
 9.21 Shared
 9.22 babel.sty
 9.23 right to left babel
 9.24 Scientific Word
 9.25 minitoc
 9.26 alltt.sty
 9.27 url.sty
 9.28 Path.sty
 9.29 fontmath
 9.30 fleqn.sty
 9.31 emulateapj.clo
 9.32 vanilla
 9.33 tugboat
 9.34 ltug boat/proc
 9.35 tex4ht
 9.36 th4
 9.37 nicefrac
 9.38 ntheorem
 9.39 hyperref
 9.40 web
 9.41 exerquiz
 9.42 tex4ht
 9.43 Interpretation for the Entries
 9.44 latin1.def
 9.45 syntax
 9.46 ???????????
 9.47 titlesec
 9.48 fontmath.ltx
 9.49 tex4ht
 9.50 Eqnarray
 9.51 Big, BIG, ....
 9.52 Exams
 9.53 Gloss
 9.54 Etc
 9.55 Endnotes.sty
10 Shared
11 Utilities
12 Containers for the Configurations
 12.1 Container of html4.4ht
 12.2 Container of html4-math.4ht
 12.3 Container of html4-uni.4ht