Chapter 78

   78.1 Buffers
   78.2 Footnotes
   78.3 Sectioning
   78.4 Table of Contents
   78.5 Index
   78.6 Floats
   78.7 Figures
   78.8 Item Groups
   78.9 Verbatim
   78.10 Pictures
   78.11 Tables: bTABLE
   78.12 Tables
   78.13 Tables: Tabulate
   78.14 Math
   78.15 Spacing
   78.16 System Macros
   78.17 Descriptions
   78.18 Cross Referencing
   78.19 Logos

texexec try [–pdf]; psc texexec try ; mk4ht xhcontext try

wiki (wiki tables)

home (manual), LaTeX in proper ConTeXt, fonts

Dutch dictionary

math in context (see mathalign.tex/.pdf)

Words need replacement: 
> formulenummer 
 > plaatsblok              placefloat 
 > doplaatskopnummer       placeheadnumber 
 > tekst/teskt             text 
 > commando                command 
 > nummercommando          numbercommand 
 > sectie                  section 
 > opelkaar                packed 
 > plaats samengesteldelijst place combinedlist 
 > inhoud                  content 

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