1 Outline

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
 <!DOCTYPE xtpipes SYSTEM "xtpipes.dtd" >
 <!-- htspk.4xt (2014-05-24-11:51), generated from tex4ht-html-speech-xtpipes.tex
      Copyright (C) 2009-2010 TeX Users Group
      Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Eitan M. Gurari
 <.TeX4ht copyright.> -->
    <sax content-handler="xtpipes.util.ScriptsManager"
         lexical-handler="xtpipes.util.ScriptsManagerLH" >
      <.non short tag br elements.>
      <.undo empty scripts.>
      <.span frac elements.>
      <.short cut modifiers.>
      <.over and under scripts.>
      <.bold math.>
      <.capital math letters.>
      <.remove multline eqnum cell.>
      <.inline math.>
      <.display math.>
      <.measure tables.>
      <.remove empty split entries.>
      <.boundaries on theorems.>

<..inline math..>
 <script element="span::inline-math" >
   <.compress numeric subscripts.>
   <.set levels for hyper complex fracs.>
   <.set levels for sub and sup scripts.>
   <.set levels for roots.>
   <set name="inline-math" >
      <.open xslt script.>
      <.shared display and inline math 1.>
      <.eliminate inline math narrative.>
      <.close xslt script.>
   <xslt name="." xml="." xsl="inline-math" />
   <set name="inline-math-2" >
      <.open xslt script.>
      <.shared display and inline math 2.>
      <.eliminate inline math narrative 2.>
      <.close xslt script.>
   <xslt name="." xml="." xsl="inline-math-2" />
   <.set empty elements for the w3 browser.>

<..display math..>
 <script element="div::display-math" >
   <.compress numeric subscripts.>
   <.set levels for hyper complex fracs.>
   <.set levels for sub and sup scripts.>
   <.set levels for roots.>
   <set name="display-math" >
      <.open xslt script.>
      <.shared display and inline math 1.>
      <.close xslt script.>
   <xslt name="." xml="." xsl="display-math" />
   <set name="display-math-2" >
      <.open xslt script.>
      <.shared display and inline math 2.>
      <.close xslt script.>
   <xslt name="." xml="." xsl="display-math-2" />
   <.set empty elements for the w3 browser.>

<..shared display and inline math 1..>
 <.get content template.>
 <.eliminate baseline script marks.>
 <.fraction ’and’ prefix.>
 <.’minus’ into ’negative’.>
 <.compress limit script.>
 <.remove scrip indicators from primes.>

<..shared display and inline math 2..>
 <.get content template.>
 <.replace nested baseline script marks.>
 <.insert pre mi spaces.>
 <.eliminate begin script marks.>

Can dom be prevented from creating an xml declaration in the output? The xslt part is there just to remove the undesirable declaration.

<..remove xml declaration..>
 <set name="rmXmlDecl" >
   <.open xslt script.>
   <.close xslt script.>
 <xslt name="." xml="." xsl="rmXmlDecl" />

 package tex4ht;
 /* HtSpk.java (2014-05-24-11:51), generated from tex4ht-html-speech-xtpipes.tex
    Copyright (C) 2009-2010 TeX Users Group
    Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Eitan M. Gurari
 <.TeX4ht copyright.> */
 import org.w3c.dom.*;
 public class HtSpk {
   <.static void fracLevel(dom).>
   <.static void scriptLevel(dom).>
   <.static void rootLevel(dom).>