2.2 latex.ltx

  2.2.1 tt Font
  2.2.2 Math Setup
  2.2.3 Tabbing, Tabular and Array Environments
  2.2.4 The option @()
  2.2.5 to be placed

<..latex options 1, 2, 3..>
 <.options for cutoff points.>
 \:CheckOption{4}     \if:Option
     \expandafter\ifx \csname @chapter\endcsname\relax
                           \:tempa \:tempc \:tempd
     \else                 \:tempa \:tempb \:tempc \:tempd  \fi
 \else\:CheckOption{3}     \if:Option
     \expandafter\ifx \csname @chapter\endcsname\relax
                           \:tempa \:tempc  \:tempd
     \else                 \:tempa \:tempb  \:tempc  \fi
 \else\:CheckOption{2}     \if:Option
     \expandafter\ifx \csname @chapter\endcsname\relax  \:tempa \:tempc
     \else                 \:tempa \:tempb    \fi
 \else\:CheckOption{1}     \if:Option
 \fi \fi \fi \fi

<..options for cutoff points..>
       section,likesection\expandafter\ifx \csname @chapter\endcsname\relax
              likesection\expandafter\ifx \csname @chapter\endcsname\relax

<..0,32,4 plain,latex accents..>
 \:CheckOption{new-accents}     \if:Option
    <.new accents.>
    <.old accents.>

<..0,32,4 latex..>+
 <.0,32,4 plain,latex accents.>
 \let\@acci=\’ \let\@accii=\‘ \let\@acciii=\=

<..0,32,4 plain..>+
 <.0,32,4 plain,latex accents.>

<..new accents..>
 \:CheckOption{accent-}     \if:Option
 \:CheckOption{mathaccent-}     \if:Option

<..new accents..>+
    {<!--tex4ht:accent\Hnewline font="}{" char="}{" type="}{"-->}
    {<!--tex4ht:end accent-->}
    {<!--tex4ht:mathaccent\Hnewline font="}{" char="}{" type="}{"-->}
    {<!--tex4ht:end mathaccent-->}
    {<!--tex4ht:accented\Hnewline font="}{" char="}{" type="}{"-->}
    {<!--tex4ht:end accented-->}
    {<!--tex4ht:end accenting-->}

<..old accents..>
    {\a:accents{grave}{#1}}   {\b:accents{grave}{#1}{#2}}
    {\a:accents{acute}{#1}}   {\b:accents{acute}{#1}{#2}}
    {\a:accents{circ}{#1}}   {\b:accents{hat}{#1}{#2}}
    {\a:accents{tilde}{#1}}   {\b:accents{tilde}{#1}{#2}}
    {\a:accents{uml}{#1}}     {\b:accents{uml}{#1}{#2}}

The following are also placed under accents configuration.

<..old accents..>+
    {\a:accents{cedil}{#1}}     {\b:accents{cedil}{#1}{#2}}
    {\a:accents{udot}{#1}}     {\b:accents{udot}{#1}{#2}}
 \Configure{accent}\H\H{{}{}} {}{\b:accents{Huml}{#1}{#2}}

The following originally have been defined to be parameter-less.

<..old accents..>+
 \Configure{accent}\.\dot{{}{}}  {}{\b:accents{dot}{#1}{#2}}
 \Configure{accent}\=\bar{{}{}}  {}{\b:accents{bar}{#1}{#2}}

<..old accents..>+

\vec, \widetilde, and \widehat are for math mode. \b, \c, \d, \t, and \H are for text mode.

2.2.1 tt Font

<..0,32,4 latex..>+
 \ifx \ttfamily\:UnDef \else \Configure{tt}{\ttfamily} \fi

2.2.2 Math Setup

<..PIC eqnarray Config..>
      {\IgnorePar\EndP\Tg<div class="pic-eqnarray">\Picture*{}}
 \Css{div.pic-eqnarray {text-align:center;}}
      {\IgnorePar\EndP\Tg<div class="pic-eqnarray-star">\Picture*{}}
 \Css{div.pic-eqnarray-star {text-align:center;}}

2.2.3 Tabbing, Tabular and Array Environments

<..vspace body for array/tabular..>
 \def\:tempb{\ifnum \tmp:cnt<\ar:cnt
     \advance\tmp:cnt by 1 \append:def\vspc:s{\i:HBorder}%
   \fi }
 \tmp:cnt=0 \:tempb

<..0,32,4 latex..>+
 \Configure{hline}{\ifx \ar:cnt\:UnDef
    \else\o:noalign:{<.hline body for array/tabular.>}\fi}
 \Configure{//[]}{\ifx \ar:cnt\:UnDef
    \else\o:noalign:{<.vspace body for array/tabular.>}\fi}

<..hline body for array/tabular..>
 \def\:tempb{\ifnum \tmp:cnt<\ar:cnt
     \advance\tmp:cnt by 1 \append:def\hline:s{\b:HBorder}%
   \fi }
 \tmp:cnt=0 \:tempb

<..configure clear noalign..>

<..configure tabular noalign..>
   {\f:tabular\d:tabular \HCode{<tr><td colspan="\ar:cnt">}}

\AllColMargins Return a binary string in which 1 represents a column, and 0 represents a ‘@’. \ColMargins retrieves the zeros before the 1’s that represent the current and following 1’s.

2.2.4 The option @()

<..configuring @()..>

We force border around the full table whenever a vertical line is requested, because it makes the tables better looking within the existing capabilities.

Currently, we either have empty \VBorder, or one defined to \def\VBorder{border="1"}.

When \putVBorder is call in \VBorder we have a sequence of the form <COLGROUP><COL ...">...</COLGROUP>... with the last tag possibly missing.

2.2.5 to be placed

<..0,32,4 plain,latex..>
 \Configure{ }{\:nbsp}

<..0,32,4 latex..>+
    {\Picture+[]{ \a:@Picture{framebox}}} {\EndPicture}
    \let\ref=\o:ref \Configure{ref}{}{}{}}
        \let\ref=\:ref  \let\label=\lb:l }
   {\let\sv:index=\index \let\sv:label=\label \let\sv:ref=\ref
    \let\sv:newline=\newline \def\newline{ }%
    \let\sv:setfontsize=\@setfontsize  \let\@setfontsize=\:gobbleIII
    \let\index=\@gobble  \let\label=\@gobble  \let\ref=\@gobble
   {\let\index=\sv:index \let\label=\sv:label \let\ref=\sv:ref
    \let\newline=\sv:newline    \let\@setfontsize=\sv:setfontsize
 \Configure{oalign}{\Picture+{ \a:@Picture{oalign}}}{\EndPicture}

<..0,32,4 latex..>+

<..config book-report-article 0.0..>

<..latex shared div config..>

<..config book-report-article 0.0..>+

<..latex shared div config..>+

<..latex shared div config..>+

<..latex shared div config..>+

<..latex shared div config..>+
 \ifx \part\:UnDef \else
    <.latex shared part config.>

<..latex shared part config..>

<..latex shared part config..>+
    {\IgnorePar \IgnorePar\HCode{<h1 class="partHead">}%
     \partname \ \thepart\HCode{<br\xml:empty>}}
    {\IgnorePar\IgnorePar\HCode{<h1 class="likepartHead">}}
 \Configure{partTITLE+}{\thepart\space #1}

It is better to put the LI in the third field to avoid extra space to the following text.

<..save configure tableofcontents..>

<..recall configure tableofcontents..>

Earlier we had \:CheckOption{no-halign} \if:Option \else |<pic array|> \fi, and the same for pic tabular. Why?

The <TABLE> is needed as a grouping mechanism for <CENTER>.