1.10.3 Description of Columns

The variable \NewGroup is introduced to record the index of entry in current group.

<..configure ooffice-mml latex..>+
 <.visit start of pattern.>
    {\HAssign\NewGroup = 0
     <.increase table num.>%
     <.visit start of pattern.>%
    {<.visit a v-bar entry.>\HAssign\NewGroup = 0 }
    {\Advance:\NewGroup by 1
     <.visit a non-@ entry.>%
    {<.visit a @ entry.>}

<..configure ooffice-mml array..>
 <.visit start of pattern.>
    {\HAssign\NewGroup = 0
     <.increase table num.>%
     <.visit start of pattern.>%
    {<.visit a v-bar entry.>\HAssign\NewGroup = 0 }
    {\Advance:\NewGroup by 1
     <.visit a non-@ entry.>%
    {<.visit a @ entry.>}

<..configure ooffice-mml latexNO..>
 \let\VBorder=\empty   \let\AllColMargins=\empty
    {\let\VBorder=\empty \let\AllColMargins=\empty
     \global\let\GROUPS=\empty \HAssign\NewGroup = 0
     \gHAdvance\Next:TableNo by 1 \global\let\TableNo=\Next:TableNo
     <.init vborder??.>%
    {<.vborder solid??.>%
     \xdef\VBorder{\VBorder\ifnum \NewGroup> 0 </colgroup>\fi}
     \HAssign\NewGroup = 0  \gdef\GROUPS{rules="groups"}}
    {\Advance:\NewGroup by 1
     <.record cur vborder??.>%
     \ifnum \NewGroup=1 \xdef\VBorder{\VBorder<colgroup
         id="TBL-\TableNo-\ar:cnt g">}\fi
     \xdef\VBorder{\VBorder<col\Hnewline id="TBL-\TableNo
    {\xdef\AllColMargins{\AllColMargins 0}}

<..insert ClrNO..>

The above doesn’t work, for instance on ‘|r||r@{--}l|p{1.25in}|’ due to thge extra --..

<..configuring @()..>

<..row attributes..>

<..latex tabular..>+
 %   {t}{\HCode{valign-top}}
 %   {b}{\HCode{valign-baseline}}
 %   {c}{\HCode{valign-middle}}

<..start par at cell..>
 <.extract cell attributes.>\if !\Aligh:Wrap!\let\not:Pcell=\:gobble
 \else \let\not:Pcell\empty \fi
     \Hnewline  text:style-name="}<.style at cell.>\HCode{"
 <.start array par box.>%

<..style at cell..>

<..latex tabular..>+
     <.extract cell margins info.>%
     <.extract cell h-border info.>%
     <.extract cell attributes.>%
     <.cell style name.>%
     <.cell style properties.>%

<..cell style name..>

<..end par at cell..>
 \csname not:Pcell\endcsname{\HCode{</text:p>}}%

<..multispan cell..>
 \ifnum \HMultispan>1
       \def\:temp{\ifnum \HMultispan>1
           \HAdvance\HMultispan by -1