TeX4ht: Configuration Files

Eitan M. Gurari

May 24, 2014

[index] [the 4ht files]

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1 The Calling Tree for 4ht Files
2 Structures
 2.1 Front
 2.2 Footnotes
3 Floating
 3.1 Wrapfig
4 Etc
 4.1 article
 4.2 alsart
 4.3 report
 4.4 book
 4.5 latex.ltx
 4.6 Long Tables
 4.7 Ams Math
 4.8 Shared
 4.9 aa
 4.10 plain
 4.11 amsart
 4.12 amsproc
 4.13 amsbook
 4.14 babel.sty
 4.15 Scientific Word
 4.16 Babel
 4.17 babel.sty
 4.18 moreverb
 4.19 color
 4.20 fleqn.sty
 4.21 amsppt.sty
 4.22 amsmath.sty
 4.23 amstex.sty (amstex1)
 4.24 amstex.tex
 4.25 vanilla
 4.26 slidesec
 4.27 ltugboat
 4.28 tex4ht
 4.29 th4
 4.30 seminar
 4.31 slides
 4.32 amsthm.sty
 4.33 colortbl.sty
 4.34 epsfig
 4.35 psfig
 4.36 graphics
 4.37 foils
 4.38 index
 4.40 ntheorem
 4.41 hyperref
 4.42 web
 4.43 exerquiz
 4.44 tex4ht
 4.45 Interpretation for the Entries
 4.46 amstex
5 HTML3.2
 5.1 article, report, book
 5.2 article
 5.3 report
 5.4 book
 5.5 amsart
 5.6 aa
 5.7 pictex
 5.8 array
 5.9 latex.ltx
 5.10 plain latex
 5.11 plain
 5.12 amsmath
 5.13 amstex.sty
 5.14 amstex.tex
 5.15 vanilla
 5.16 minitoc
 5.17 fancyvrb
 5.18 url
 5.19 amsfonts
 5.20 amsppt
 5.21 fontmath.ltx
 5.22 emulateapj
 5.23 slidesec
 5.24 seminar
 5.25 tex4ht
 5.26 th4
 5.27 amsthm.sty
 5.28 foils
 5.29 epsfig
 5.30 psfig
 5.31 graphics
 5.32 moreverb
 5.33 xy
 5.34 pb-diagram
 5.35 amscd
 5.36 ntheorem
6 Picmath 3.2 & 4
 6.1 tex4ht
 6.2 plain
 6.3 latex
 6.4 amsmath
 6.5 amstex1 (amstex.sty)
 6.6 th4
 6.7 Eqnarray
 6.8 Accents through ‘accents’ Configurations
 6.9 PsTricks
 6.10 Fractions
7 Sty Files
 7.1 ProTex
8 Shared
9 Utilities
10 Containers for the Configurations
 10.1 Container of html32.4ht
 10.2 Container of html32-math.4ht