4.9 aa

  4.9.1 Sizes of Fonts

4.9.1 Sizes of Fonts

pages should honor the base font sizes the readers choose for their browsers. Hence, under this assumption, all tex4ht should do is just assure appropriate relative dimensions for fonts of other sizes. To meet this end, I modified latex.4ht to automatically include

{\Configure{Needs}{Font\string_Size: #1}\Needs{1...}}

when options 11pt and 12pt are listed in \documentclass.

<..32,4 article,report,book..>
 <.base font size.>

<..ams art,proc,book..>
 <.base font size.>
 <.ams footnotes.>

<..base font size..>
 {\Configure{Needs}{Font\string_Size: #1}\ifcase  \@ptsize
    \or \Needs{11}\or \Needs{12}\else \fi}