<..tex4ht doctype..>
 \ifx \a:DOCTYPE\relax
    \:CheckOption{frames}  \if:Option
       <.frames dtd.>
       <.no frames xhtml DOCTYPE.>
       <.no frames DOCTYPE.>

<..no frames xhtml DOCTYPE..>
 \:CheckOption{xhtml}  \if:Option
       \ifx \:temp\empty  \let\a:@DOCTYPE=\empty
       \else \ifx \a:@DOCTYPE\relax  \let\a:@DOCTYPE=\empty\fi

<..configure html4 Preamble..>
 <.pre definitions.>
 \:CheckOption{mouseover} \if:Option
    <.DOCTYPE in PROLOG under mouseover.>
 \:CheckOption{no-DOCTYPE} \if:Option
   \:CheckOption{no-VERSION} \if:Option
      <.no-version note.>
   \:CheckOption{no-VERSION} \if:Option
      <.no-version note.>
   \Log:Note{to remove the DOCTYPE declaration
           use the command line option ‘no-DOCTYPE’}

<..no-version note..>
 \Log:Note{to remove the <?xml version=...?>  processing instruction
           use the command line option ‘no-VERSION’}

<..no frames DOCTYPE..>
 \:CheckOption{xhtml}  \if:Option
    <.xhtml dtd.>%
    <.html dtd.>%

<..frames no frames DOCTYPE..>
 \csname a:frames-altDOCTYPE\endcsname

<..configure html4 tex4ht..>
    {<.no frames DOCTYPE.>}

Don’t place the full address ´
’ http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd’ within DOCTYPE. It can stop tools like xt when the server doesn’t respond

<..xhtml dtd..>
 <.xhtml dtd xml-version.>%
   {\HCode{<!DOCTYPE html \xhtml:DOCTYPE>            \Hnewline
     "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//<.dtd lang.>"\Hnewline

<..dtd lang..>
 \ifx \csname a:dtd-lang\endcsname\relax EN\else
   \csname a:dtd-lang\endcsname

<..xhtml dtd..>+
   {<!ENTITY \% xhtml.dtd \xhtml:DOCTYPE>\Hnewline\%xhtml.dtd; \Hnewline}

<..html dtd..>
    {<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC
               "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//<.dtd lang.>"
     \Hnewline\space\space "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">

<..frames dtd..>
 \:CheckOption{xhtml} \if:Option
    <.xhtml dtd xml-version.>%
    {\HCode{<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC
           "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//<.dtd lang.>"
    {\HCode{<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC
                "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//<.dtd lang.>"
     \Hnewline "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/frameset.dtd">\Hnewline}}

Xerces reqires the following encoding.

<..tex4ht doctype..>+

<..xml encoding..>
 encoding="\expandafter\ifx \csname a:charset\endcsname\relax
    \else \expandafter\:encoding\a:charset\fi"