TeX4ht: Configuration Files

Eitan M. Gurari

May 24, 2014

[index] [the 4ht files]

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[auto-script] [bibtex2] [cond4ht] [cpright] [c] [dir] [docbook] [docbook-xtpipes] [env] [fonts-cjk] [fonts-cjk-utf8] [fonts-modern] [fonts-noncjk] [fonts-4hf] [htcmd] [html-speech] [html-speech-xtpipes] [html0] [html32] [html4] [info-html4] [info-javahelp] [info-mml] [info-ooffice] [info-svg] [info] [javahelp] [javahelp-xtpipes] [jsmath] [jsml] [jsml-xtpipes] [mathltx] [mathml] [mathplayer] [misc] [mkht] [moz] [ooffice] [ooimpress] [oo-xtpipes] [options] [sty] [svg] [tei] [t4ht] [unicode] [word] [xhtml-xtpipes] [xhtmml-xtpipes] [4ht]

 0.1 General
 0.2 Root
 0.3 Outline
 0.4 Preamble
 0.5 Front Matter
 0.6 Sectional Divisions
 0.7 Margin Notes
 0.8 Footnotes
 0.9 Lists
 0.10 Verbatim
 0.11 Figures
 0.12 Quote
 0.13 Fonts
I  Math
 0.14 Math Delimiters
1 Over and Under
 1.1 Subscrips and Superscripts (sub and super)
 1.2 Delimiters
 1.3 Fractions and Stacks
 1.4 Lines and Braces (With ...)
 1.5 Arrows (With ...)
 1.6 Symbols
 1.7 Spaces
 1.8 Radicals
 1.9 Left and Right
 1.10 Limits of Sub- snd Super- Scripts (over/under - end - scripts)
 1.11 On Arrows (over/under - end - scripts)
 1.12 On Text (over/under - end - scripts)
 1.13 Accents
2 Tables
 2.1 Tabular
 2.2 Numbering
 2.3 Aligned
 2.4 Cases
 2.5 matrix
 2.6 EqAlign
 2.7 Small Matrix
 2.8 TeX EqAlign
 2.9 halign
3 To Be Inserted
 3.1 HTML Head
 3.2 Bibliography and Equation References
 3.3 Cross Links
 3.4 Sections
 3.5 The equation Environment
 3.6 Fonts
 3.7 Theorems
 3.8 Others
 3.9 Boxed
4 Utilities
5 Containers for the Configurations
 5.1 Container of jsml.4ht
 5.2 Container of jsml-math.4ht